I have been busy in the kitchen lately cooking up a storm. So busy that I haven't found a moment to post (I also dig into dishes so fast I forget to take pictures!). But when Ali over at
The Whole Life Nutrition Kitchen posted a cracker recipe this morning, not only did I have to make it immediately but I knew I had to share it too. The secret ingredient? Cooked quinoa! Well, I just happened to have some on hand so I decided to break out the food processor and rolling pin and give it a try.
I have been looking for a cracker recipe for months. The only crackers I have found that the Little Man and I can eat are the
Hol Grain rice crackers. He loves them -- me, not so much. When checking out the recipes, however, I freeze up when I read "roll out the dough". Let's face it, crackers look like a lot of work. But this recipe says to put everything in the food processor -- easy! Easy and fast mixing combined with slow rolling might be doable. In fact, Ali suggests rolling the dough between two sheets of parchment paper and simply transferring the whole sheet of parchment to the baking sheet. So the tedious and slow task I was expecting surprised me by being rather fast after all.
Ali's crackers are topped with three types of seeds, none of which we can eat. I made half of our crackers plain (for Little Man) and topped the other half with rosemary and kosher salt.
The verdict? Hands down, the best crackers I've ever eaten (EVER!) gluten-free or not. And if you listen carefully you might hear Little Man in the background voicing his approval... "more cracker, more cracker, more cracker!"